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About Us
HerbaLine Facial Spa currently has 55 branches in Malaysia, has been awarded the Sin Chew Business Service Excellence Award and the Retail Excellence Award in between 2017-2020, highlighting the brand's efforts in the market for many years and the recognition it got from the public.
Product's Philosophy
HerbaLine skincare products are specifically formulated using natural plant extracts that allow skin to breathe easily at the cellular level.

Natural Products Specially Formulated for Six Skin Types
Combining the power of nature and technology Herbaline's special formula of natural organic plant extracts are produced using Nanotechnology extraction. All products are produced by Taiwan GMP, with clinical professional research deployment and specially formulated and designed to suit Asian women.
Reasonable Pricing
Herbaline's range of products are priced from RM33 to RM139, providing great value for money.

Product Philosophy
Herbaline's "Four steps to beautiful skin"- cleansing, balancing, nourishing and repair - provides simple yet effective 24 hour beauty steps that customers can practice at home. This allows customers to stay beautiful any time, at all times, zero-preassure.